Thursday, July 30

Jesus gave me Ninja Skills

So here's the story...

Tonight I had a lovely evening with my new, good, friend Mandie. The evening was so much fun and so precious, but that is a different story. We were talking, sitting in a valley below the House of Prayer. It was staring to get dark and we decided to wrap it up. But then about 6 Arab boys and young men came up near us. It seemed harmless at first, but as the time went on, we really felt that we needed to leave. I had cautiously been keeping my hand on my purse and camera that was laying next to me on the grass. But in a split second, I lifted my hand to readjust and one of the young men took his opportunity. He reached down for my things and managed to grab my Cannon SLR camera. I don't really know how I did it, but in a second a just yelled "Lo!" ("no" in Hebrew) and lunged to grab the dangling neck strap of my camera as he turned to run. I pulled it back to me, and as it slipped from his hand, it came back and smacked me... but I got it! It's true, some guy tried to mug me... and I won! Some of the boys who saw what happened offered to get the police, but considering that the guy didn't get away with anything, we didn't think it was necessary. And from the way he ran away, my guess is that he's half way to Jordan by now...

Mandie and I walked home immediately, praising Jesus for His protection and for giving me the ninja fast skills to grab my stuff back! As a friend recently reminded me... Abba keeps me.

It's been a new and interesting experience living here in Israel on my own. In all honesty, I never thought I would be able to do this. Maybe it was due to watching a few too many suspense movies a few years to early, but the thought of living in a big city alone always scared me. There's probably a "healthy fear" there, (what an oxymoran, haha) causing me to be cautious. But it's been really cool to see the work that Jesus has done in my heart in this season, here in Jerusalem. I do not live in fear. Circumstances sometimes force me to walk home alone at night, but I do not fall prey to fear. I will not. I often walk home praying in the Spirit, knowing that I am encircled with the Spirit of the living God! What can touch me?! Seriously, Jesus is so good, and so big, and loves me so much, in such a perfect way, that fear is always driven out. Now, that's not to say that I don't use wisdom. I make all efforts not to walk home alone at night if I don't have to, I avoid certain neighborhoods and keep a can on pepper spray on my keychain. But I do not put my faith in those things, for they can fail me. But my Jesus never fails. I walk in the light... even at night. Listen to this story of Gladys Aylward (another woman I want to be when I grow up). She firmly put her trust in Christ, even when things looked a little scary.

When Gladys Aylward was on her way to China to fulfill the call of God on her life, the enemy must have known how powerful her minstry would be because he tried to thwart her before she even arrived. In Russia, she was detained by corrupt government officials. As she sat in a hotel room, thinking about a way to escape, an officer tried to force his way in. Boldly she told him, "You are not coming in here."
"Why not?" he smirked.
"Because this is my bedroom."
"I am the master, I can do with you what I wish!"
"Oh no, you cannot. You may not believe in God, but He is here. Touch me and see. Between you and me God has put a barrier. Go!"
The man stared at Gladys, shivered, and without a word, turned and left.

Can you see why I like her so much? This is how we as believers should be living. We must know and make it known that God is protecting us. Oh that I too would have her boldness in declaring God's protection!

So yes, someone tried to mug me. But Jesus is bigger and protected me and Mandie from any real harm. I will not live in fear. I came home and told my roommates the story. After the initial shock, they lovingly asked me if I was ok emotionally. And I can honestly say that I am. Not out of an ignorant, cavalier attitude, but from truly knowing that Abba keeps me. So I will live my life in this city. I will get on the bus, refusing to let the enemy win by keeping me off for fear of bombings. I will walk to and from my apartment in the authority of Jesus Christ. Yes, the world that we live in is fallen and full of many evils, but we must never forget that Jesus is bigger.

And when you need Him, He will provide the necessary ninja skills... trust me.


Anonymous said...

Chelsea! I love this blog! you are so precious to your Abba (and to me, new friend). Thank you for sharing your heart! you are breathtaking to your Daddy, oh, ninja warrior for Jesus! =D

Unknown said...

chels, i love reading your blog! I laughed when i read this one, i can just imagine how you did that ninja move! i'm so proud of you and i thank God that he's protecting you! love you so much.. :)

Anonymous said...

you go, Ninja sista!! Praise Yah for that protection/quick thinking...

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