Friday, March 5

Grace Everywhere

The Toyota Rav4. It's a cute, little, inconspicuous SUV. I had never really noticed them, that is until we got one. All of a sudden they were everywhere! On the highway, in the parking lot, up the street. Where did all these Rav 4s come from? Why had I never noticed them before?

Isn't it funny how that happens? In a day we can go from being oblivious of something, to being completely mesmerized by it. Saturday night we were exhorted that it's the same way with grace. Often times I take God's grace for granted in my life. It's sad to say, but true. It is the treasured gift of Heaven and I can go too long without identifying it in my life and giving thanks for it. But when I stop and take the time to see Yeshua's rich grace that He's lavished on my life, I start seeing it everywhere! I can't stop seeing His goodness. It's an unending cycle that I love falling into! But it all starts with pausing from the craziness of life and choosing to look on His goodness with a grateful heart.


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