This was our battlecry:
I have decided, I'm gonna take a stand.
I have decided, I'm taking back my land.
I have decided, this far and no more.
I'm gonna take up the sword and fight in the name of the LORD.
This was our battlecry:
I have decided, I'm gonna take a stand.
I have decided, I'm taking back my land.
I have decided, this far and no more.
I'm gonna take up the sword and fight in the name of the LORD.
The Lord often desires to do specific things He in individuals and in generations. Something that we have seen over and over again in our generation here at Gateways, is the divine reconciliation between our German and Jewish classmates. Last Tuesday (Feb. 10th) the Holy Spirit did a mighty work during our morning worship time. There was reconciliation from the Germans to the Jews and from the Jewish believers to the German students. There is such a heaviness that remains from WWII that the enemy would love to maintain, but the light of Yeshua (Jesus) is shining through! It's so powerful to see people get set free by the power of forgiveness and take on their true identities in the Messiah. At the end of this amazing time, Asher Intrater, along with other Jewish believers spread the Israeli flag over all the German believers and pronounced a blessing over them. It was amazing. God's love triumphs all.
So, last week, we were honored to have Asher Intrater come and teach us. He is from Israel and a widely respected leader in the Messianic movement. He always comes to Gateways with new revelation that inspires passion within all of us. This year, we took advantage of his visit for God's work in Cyprus and scheduled one of our "Streams in the Desert" conferences during that time. We started the Streams conferences last spring with the vision of bringing together the Body of Messiah on the island. All denominations are not only invited, but welcomed! Our groundbreaking event last spring (hosted by Gateways Beyond, a Messianic Jewish ministry) was the first gathering of believers organized by Messianic Jews on the island in 1,800 years - since Paul and Barnabas. So, we've been excited to see how God has blessed these events with His presence and moved among the people. The theme of our event on February 11th was "God's Heart for Israel." There is a considerable anti-semetic presence in Cyprus and even many of the believers do not have the revelation of God's heart for His chosen people. We were pumped! We had a great turn out and people were eager. You could see the expectancy in their eyes, knowing that God had met them at our events before and they were back for more. Many don't come from what we would call a "spirit filled " background, but they know something is different about the worship, the speakers, and our team...and so they keep coming back.
God poured out His beautiful presence during worship and His Spirit was thick in the room. We were gathering in a meeting room at the Ajax Hotel in Limassol. The sign in the lobby to direct people to us, read "Religious Meeting Upstairs". If only they knew that the Lord of heaven was in the building, touching lives, transforming hearts. If it's "religion", it's in it's truest form. After worship, Asher got up to speak. He did not teach a deep theological message against replacement theology or anti-semetism. He shared his testimony - a young jewish man, raised in the synagogue, but searching for more. He shared about meeting Yeshua and being baptized in water and the Spirit. He showed them that he loves the same Jesus they do. And although I believe God spoke to many hearts about Israel that night, He did so much more! As people heard this respected man share his life story in humility, their softened hearts were touched by the Holy Spirit. As he shared his love for Jesus and how that enables him to love others, including Arabs, people's own walls of prejudice began to crumble. You see Cyprus has a very large foreign worker population, and they endure much persecution. Racism runs rampant and the people are broken. What followed after Asher finished speaking was a beautiful time of repentance amongst the church in Cyprus. Cypriots got up to represent their country and repented to the different nationalities who have been mistreated on the island. And in return, immigrant workers stood up to forgive and embrace them. This went on and on and on. Cyprus is a divided country. The south side (where I am) is Greek and the north side is controlled by Turkey. There is a lot of animosity between the two sides. Living in a divided nation is never easy. Countries like Germany are still recovering. A sweet woman stood up and confessed that she had been harboring anger and hatred in her heart towards the Turkish people. She confessed her sins (James 5:16) and repented. It was so powerful, and God's grace flooded the room.
Asher also gave the gospel message and two women made a decision that night to reconcile themselves to God and trust in Jesus!!! God is so good. There were also healings and other awesome works of God. What a night! We were all tired, but it was so worth it. This is real life, the way it was meant to be lived.
Well, it was a long haul, but after 65 hours of traveling, I arrived in Cyprus early Wednesday (January 28th) morning. But to back up a bit, I arrived at DIA at the beginning of my journey to the island and discovered that there was a problem with my ticket. I was flying a small Hungarian airline (because it was cheap!), so we were on the phone with Budapest at 5am in the airport - praying that we could get it straightened out before the calling card minutes ran out! We did get it worked out and I made my flight! But as a result to the problems, I had to spend 36 hours in Zurich. Lay-overs can be great fun, or sheer torture. The difference normally depends on whether or not you can go out and experience some of the city and culture you are in. In my case, I had all my luggage and belongings for 9 moths abroad - I wasn't in an adventurous mood. But my mom wasn't crazy about the idea of me just hangin out in the airport for 2 days and trying to sleep, so she contacted some missionaries we knew in the area. It was so awkward and I didn't want to be a bother to anyone, but after several hours of trying to sleep in the airport and jolting awake every 45 minutes afraid someone was stealing my stuff...I relented. Dennis (the missionary) came and picked me up and took me back to their mission house about 40 minutes away. I had a warm bed, yummy dinner, and hot shower! As I was going to bed that night in an unfamiliar room, I was talking to God and thanking Him so much for His goodness. I was so in awe of His love for me. He made His presence very tangible that night and tears streamed down onto the pillow as we partook in a divine conversation. I can't help but think that this is what the Christian life is supposed to be like.
I love being in the family of God. I was able to stay in someone's house, who I've never even met before, in Switzerland, and feel totally safe! They had such a genuine love for me (although it was the first time they had net me!) and served me with such a totality that I was overtaken. I will admit, there were times in those 65 hours that I felt frightened - that maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew - but God was so faithful to come and comfort me in a way He knew would sooth my heart. I was completely alone in foreign countries and all I had was Jesus - but He was more than enough. He is so faithful to meet us where we are and guide us the rest of the way. He gave me sweet little gifts throughout my journey and I was so overcome with love for Him. After I left Zurich, I had a short layover in Budapest, and then I came home to Cyprus. As soon as I was on the island, a peace came over me that was so deep. It's knowing that you are right in the middle of God's will for you. There is no question or shadow of doubt in your mind. At that moment, I was exactly where God desired I would be when He formed the world and I was but a thought in His mind. Shalom. Thank You, sweet Jesus.