Monday, February 9

The Journey

Well, it was a long haul, but after 65 hours of traveling, I arrived in Cyprus early Wednesday (January 28th) morning.  But to back up a bit, I arrived at DIA at the beginning of my journey to the island and discovered that there was a problem with my ticket.  I was flying a small Hungarian airline (because it was cheap!), so we were on the phone with Budapest at 5am in the airport - praying that we could get it straightened out before the calling card minutes ran out!   We did get it worked out and I made my flight!  But as a result to the problems, I had to spend 36 hours in Zurich.  Lay-overs can be great fun, or sheer torture.  The difference normally depends on whether or not you can go out and experience some of the city and culture you are in.  In my case, I had all my luggage and belongings for 9 moths abroad - I wasn't in an adventurous mood.  But my mom wasn't crazy about the idea of me just hangin out in the airport for 2 days and trying to sleep, so she contacted some missionaries we knew in the area.  It was so awkward and I didn't want to be a bother to anyone, but after several hours of trying to sleep in the airport and jolting awake every 45 minutes afraid someone was stealing my stuff...I relented.  Dennis (the missionary)  came and picked me up and took me back to their mission house about 40 minutes away.  I had a warm bed, yummy dinner, and hot shower!  As I was going to bed that night in an unfamiliar room, I was talking to God and thanking Him so much for His goodness.  I was so in awe of His love for me.  He made His presence very tangible that night and tears streamed down onto the pillow as we partook in a divine conversation.  I can't help but think that this is what the Christian life is supposed to be like.

I love being in the family of God.  I was able to stay in someone's house, who I've never even met before, in Switzerland, and feel totally safe!  They had such a genuine love for me (although it was the first time they had net me!) and served me with such a totality that I was overtaken.  I will admit, there were times in those 65 hours that I felt frightened - that maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew - but God was so faithful to come and comfort me in a way He knew would sooth my heart.  I was completely alone in foreign countries and all I had was Jesus  - but He was more than enough.  He is so faithful to meet us where we are and guide us the rest of the way.  He gave me sweet little gifts throughout my journey and I was so overcome with love for Him.  After I left Zurich, I had a short layover in Budapest, and then I came home to Cyprus.  As soon as I was on the island, a peace came over me that was so deep.  It's knowing that you are right in the middle of God's will for you.  There is no question or shadow of doubt in your mind.  At that moment, I was exactly where God desired I would be when He formed the world and I was but a thought in His mind.  Shalom.  Thank You, sweet Jesus.  

This was the little nest that I had built in the Zurich Airport when I thought I was going to be there for 36 hours!  I was hiding out under the escalators trying to get a little sleep free from paranoia about people stealing my stuff!


Anonymous said...

Oh Chelsea, that was beautiful. It reminded me so much of my time in Kona and Cambodia. It was intimidating to be in a brand new place, half a world away, with no one I had ever met or seen in my life... and yet I always felt like at was at home, because God had become my home. It's sad that some people never get to experience how amazing that feeling is. People always say that there are three dimensions/roles to discover God at -- God as our Father, God as our Husband and God as our Friend... but I think there's a fourth dimension... God as our HOME.

Anywho, enough rambling.. because I know you understand it perfectly.

God bless you!!

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