Monday, February 9

A New Year

For the GTS II students, the beginning of the 2009 school year has been a happy homecoming. The reuniting of class-mates previously separated by nations has been sweet and we all feel that we have, in a sense, come home. Our small class of six (with just one male - poor Tony!) is expectant for our portion from Abba this year. Many of us found new freedom and identity last year, and it has been amazing to start this year walking in that fullness. Our GTS I ceiling has become our GTS II floor. We are building on the foundation the Lord has already so skillfully laid.

Beautiful memories of last year's revelations and breakthroughs are already being mingled with those of this year, for we have hit the ground running! Matthew Rudolph has been teaching us this week on our life's purpose and calling. The second year program is focused on honing in on God's purposes for each of us in our generation. We have been discovering what these are by looking at the longings and desires that God placed in our hearts, even as children, through the lens of Heaven. This enables us to see how they were designed to further the Kingdom of God. There are also several unique aspects to the second year program that are new to us. We are privileged to take part in Living Room Sessions this year. This is a time when the senior leaders in the Gateways Beyond community graciously invite our class into their home to share with us the wisdom they have acquired over years of life in ministry. We also have our weekly Romans class, in which we will be digging into Paul's letter to the believer's in Rome, looking for it's purposes then and application now. This will include discussion, study, and committing the Word to memory. We are all very excited about this new year and eager to grab hold of everything God has for us. We stand surrendered, letting the truth if Yeshua form us into instruments of the Kingdom, moving from glory to glory. Come Holy Spirit.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I am only slightly (or maybe outrageously) jealous! :-D I look forward to hearing more about all the different areas you described. But what intrigues me the most are the Living Room Sessions! Holy wow. How much further the Body of Christ would be if we'd learn to build our floor on the last generation's ceiling. Amazing stuff.

God bless you, girl!


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