Monday, February 23


The Lord often desires to do specific things He in individuals and in generations.  Something that we have seen over and over again in our generation here at Gateways, is the divine reconciliation between our German and Jewish classmates.  Last Tuesday (Feb. 10th) the Holy Spirit did a mighty work during our morning worship time.  There was reconciliation from the Germans to the Jews and from the Jewish believers to the German students.  There is such a heaviness that remains from WWII that the enemy would love to maintain, but the light of Yeshua (Jesus) is shining through!  It's so powerful to see people get set free by the power of forgiveness and take on their true identities in the Messiah.  At the end of this amazing time, Asher Intrater, along with other Jewish believers spread the Israeli flag over all the German believers and pronounced a blessing over them.  It was amazing.  God's love triumphs all.  


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