Tuesday, February 23

The Ever Fixed Mark

Have you ever witnessed a couple who shared a mature love for each other? I'm not speaking of a weak and indecisive attachment, but a love that has been tenderly chosen at the beginning of everyday. A love that has become sweeter and more valuable with time, like a rich bottle of aged wine. It is not a flimsy love that you are likely to fall out of as fast as you fell into it, but a consistent devotion. Or as Shakespeare put it, "an ever fixed mark." Those who participate in such a love develop a transparency that bonds them together as one being. They are not the couple whose co-dependant infatuation not only makes you feel uncomfortable and isolated, but annoying nauseated as well. No, they are the couple that you admire, that you want to emulate. There is something holy in their love, in the way they've given themselves to one another in complete selflessness. The sincerity of their love makes their pet names of affection and habit of finishing each other's sentences beautiful, rather than annoying. It is a testimony to the years they have spent together on their journey to oneness.

I want this enduring love to summarize my relationship with Yeshua. That I would know Him as intimately as He knows me. Oh that I would be acquainted with His heart! That I would come to Him in vulnerable transparency, resting under his wings of love and riding on His waves of grace. I do not want a spiritual experience, quick to come and soon to fade. No, I want the testimony of a consistent life of love. I want the daily encounter with God's face that not only changes me for today, but for eternity. Not a quick fix or fast high, but the character that comes through the cycle of repentance and redemption, rooted and grounded in love. His dreams would become my own and His heartbeat my life's cadence. And through day after day of intentional and devoted affection, I would come to the place that I am finishing God's sentences.


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